Career Journey FAQ
Using our special "Gap Formula" we help people from ages 14-114 find their brand new career, evolve in their current one, monetise your hobbies or start your own business! If it has anything to do with CAREERS we can help you!
How does the Journey work? Is it a Psychometric Test? Is it Job Shadowing or Internships?
No, our "Gap Formula" works in an entirely different way to any other career model out there, and the format style and content is entirely unique to us. It is based on practically being involved in the over 160 careers we teach on the course. The whole course is done entirely online from the comfort of your own home!
We used a lot of internships and job shadowing in the early days of our work, and although it does have some positive benefits, we found that it didn't give the person a clear look at the career itself for them as an individual, as they were seeing it through the eyes of whoever they were interning or shadowing - which could sometimes be a good or a bad thing. It was dependent on the person or company being shadowed and what was felt about that experience, and therefore not personalised for the individual. We want our students to be able to visualise the career from their own perspective, without anyone else's bias, opinion or viewpoint getting in the way - to see if this truly is the voaction for them.
What is the Difference between the Student and Adult Career Journey?
There are many similarities. The "Gap Formula" is used in both, but the way it is done is slightly different. As the students don't really have as much work experience at age 14-25 their one starts from a more grass-roots level and learning about what is out there, whereas the Adult one, has our Career lessons, but is more focused on the coaching aspect. Both systems work perfectly, and we tailor-make each journey to suit the individual.

How does the Career Journey Work?
Each course is unique and tailored to the individual and involves our practical learning of the careers, as well as using our career and life coaching methods. Each one includes our "Gap Formula". The entire Career Journey format is done online. It does not involve job shadowing or internships, as we used to do a lot of these, but have found that our formula works far better and is more effective!
How long does the Course Take?
They can take between 2 and 3 weeks, we can make it longer or shorter, depending on the urgency and needs of the individual. We would need to have done the first career coaching session before the course begins and the follow-up one after the journey is complete where the final decision will be made. A third session is there in case student wants to complete some career-based challenges before making their decision.
Sign Me Up!
Our Next Career Journey for Ages 14-25 and Begins on Monday 27th January 2025
Amount: R6500
You will get:
2-3 live coaching sessions online via Zoom,
A Tailor-Made Career Journey with at least 10-12 Different Careers to Experience
Up to 3 Career Challenges (if needs be after 2nd Coaching Session)
As well as our Bonus Lessons:
1. How to Apply to University with special University Interview
2. How to Have a Happy and Successful Day Everyday!